Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Right now

In this moment, I feel incredibly grateful for all of my interests. It sounds funny, to be grateful for the things you're interested in, but seriously. So many things in life fascinate and intrigue me. I am constantly on the look out to learn something new, to try new things. I'm grateful because these things make my life so much more exciting! Admittedly, I am sometimes overwhelmed at the number of interests I have. There are so many and I just want to dive head first into all of them at the same time.

I'm so grateful that who we are is not set it stone; at any point in our lives, we can look at ourselves in the mirror and decide if we like the person we see. If not, we can change. No, change isn't easy. I've been trying to change myself almost my whole life, with minimal success. I'm grateful that I've come to a point in my life that I'm ready to face some of my challenges head on. There are quite a few that are untouched, getting quite settled into the recesses of my brain. But with time, I'll get to those ones too :) and now, a quote brought to you by the brilliant writers at Grey's Anatomy:

When we say things like "people don't change" it drives scientist crazy because change is literally the only constant in all of science. Energy. Matter. It's always changing, morphing, merging, growing, dying. It's the way people try not to change that's unnatural. The way we cling to what things were instead of letting things be what they are. The way we cling to old memories instead of forming new ones. The way we insist on believing despite every scientific indication that anything in this lifetime is permanent. Change is constant. How we experience change that's up to us. It can feel like death or it can feel like a second chance at life. If we open our fingers, loosen our grips, go with it, it can feel like pure adrenaline. Like at any moment we can have another chance at life. Like at any moment, we can be born all over again.

I just love that. Anyway, in this vein of changing ourselves and becoming someone new, I have started a new blog! Not to replace this one. This, my friends, is a food blog. YES. I'm going to blog about the healthy recipes I have tested, pictures and all! I'm way excited to start it, since food is in my top 2 favorite things.

So, start following the epicure, my newest adventure :)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Comic Sans

This also makes me happy.

More happy!

Tonight, I posted on Facebook twice about how I was going to make homemade cinnamon rolls and that someone needed to come over and help me eat them. Well, as it turns out, I freaking SUCK at making yeast breads! Like, miserably. I made the dough twice. Used different yeast both times. But holy crap, I could not get that dough to rise. I even did that quick rise thing, where you turn the oven on a low heat and turn it off once it's preheated, with a pan of water on the lower rack... NOTHING. Notta. I was so disappointed! 

So, I've been sitting on the couch watching this silly Lifetime show, Drop Dead Diva. It's a completely ridiculous show and the plot is exactly the same in every episode. But, it's kind of cathartic. It's mind numbing and doesn't require a single intelligent thought process to understand. Also, the protagonist is a fat girl, which is refreshing, especially for me.

I don't know where this blog is going. I think I'm just typing.

So, here's my puppy. He's happy all the time! Happy happy!
so precious

Monday, July 23, 2012

My tunnel

Hello blog. Long time, no see. I could go into a long winded explanation of why I stopped posting on here 8 days after I started, but there's really no better explanation than that life just got in the way. But I'm posting now because I wanted to write all these things down so I would remember them. I wrote most of this while falling asleep over the past few nights. I've proofread it, but if it seems nonsensical at times, you know why. This is my lifelong struggle. It's something that's very personal and hard to deal with, but I thought it would be good to share this with anyone who wanted to read it.

It's no secret that I've had a weight problem for most of my life. Even when I didn't REALLY have a weight problem, I still had one, because that is what I believed. I recently pulled out a few journals, dating all the way back to 1996. (I was quite the prolific writer as a kid, but since I grew up a little, I haven't written nearly as much.) I wrote constantly (even as a 7 year old) about how nobody liked me, everyone thought I was annoying, and I didn't know  how I could stop myself from being so annoying. Fast forward a few years to about 11-13, and the entries become more and more depressing -- so much so that I broke down into tears several times reading about my own past. I wrote about what my ideal guy was (at the time was a tall, good- looking RM who could sing well), and that I would never meet this guy until I lost weight, because that guy would never, ever be interested in me if I was fat. A few pages later, I talk about my best friend at the time, and how I would tell her that no boys liked me. She would say the usual consoling things such as, "Whatever!" and, "Of course they do!" I wrote about how I knew better, and that she was just saying those things to make me feel better... but that she and I both knew that no one liked me because I was fat and ugly. It breaks my heart that this was the way I felt about myself at a time when I should have been more carefree and fun loving. I hate that this was something I constantly worried about. I hate that I am still that girl, 10+ years later.

Moving from Georgia to Utah has not been an easy thing for me. Since moving here 2 1/2 years ago, I've gained about 70 pounds. I'm more overweight than I've ever been before in my life. I have to wear plus size clothing, shop in special stores, and order a lot of stuff online. And even after doing all of that, and spending hundreds in the process, it is still very hard to find clothing that fits and is comfortable. Also, it's hard not to be in denial sometimes. For several years, I lived with the convenience of always fitting in a junior's extra large. No,  it wasn't ideal, and I hated that my size was an "extra large"... just because all it says to me and others is that I'm too big of a person. Anyway, sometimes, even now, I just want to go to the juniors' section and pull out the size 17 pants and xl shirts, because that is what I wore for many years  (what's interesting, is that while that's pretty much the end of the line as far as "normal" junior sizes, I have some pictures that I'm wearing size 17  jeans in and I look so good! No, I've never been skinny, and since I was 14 I think I managed to put on a pair of size 12 jeans and zip them up once. But  one thing that I have learned about my body and society is that even though the sizes I wore were big, I'm a big person. Not big as in fat necessarily.  But hey, I'm almost 5'10". I have big bones. I will never be little and petite.) To get to the point, I've been lazy. I've been comfortable for too long gaining weight, and all mostly because the idea of limiting myself makes me anxious. I often rationalized that because I had so many other stressful things going on in my life, food and exercise and losing weight were not things that I should make myself worry about. I feel like a lot of people, as they gain weight and become more and more out of shape, start to notice how badly this weight can affect them when their endurance levels are so much lower and they can't do as  much. The thing is, even when I was much thinner, I've never been able to run or do any other high endurance activity. My endurance has always been terrible. So, getting more and more overweight has never really affected me in that way. I've never been athletic, or into sports, so I was never "missing" anything.

I recently went to Lagoon. It's been a while since I've been to a theme park, probably almost 3-4 years. And if you know me at all, you know I absolutely LOVE roller coasters... the more thrilling, the better. So at Lagoon, I was almost too big for a couple of the roller coasters. On one ride, I had two different ride attendants come up to me and ask if the lap bar couldn't possibly go any further down on me. It was more on the tops of my legs than my lap. My legs were too big for it to come all the way to my body. The first attendant made me get up and switch places with Rachel so I wouldn't be on the end. I of course immediately started crying. I'm also ashamed to say, that I told the guy "thanks for embarrassing me" and then as we were leaving, I flipped him off. I know he was just doing his job and trying to keep me safe, but when I get hurt and angry, I do and say things I don't mean (my family knows this well). The second time (same ride) the attendant (different) asked me to pull it further down on my lap... I of course told him there was no way it was going down any further. So he asks me if it's all right if he tries. So he pushes (with his whole body) to get it tighter, and yes, it did get tighter. It also felt like it was pinning me into the roller coaster. The roller coaster was fun, but the getting on it... not so much.

The other roller coaster that I had trouble with, no attendant said anything, and I was a little surprised. It's probably because it was the wooden roller coaster and wasn't as fast or "dangerous". My butt did not go all the way down into that seat. I had to awkwardly sit with one hip higher than the other,  and the lap bar was pressed hard against my higher hip, and then there was probably a good 3-4 inch gap between my other hip and the lap bar. It was  also a fun roller coaster, but not a fun experience. It's also not pleasant to come to that realization... Oh, I'm too big for this.

Every other time I've tried to lose weight, my main reasons have been things like, I want boys to like me, and I want to buy cute clothes in small sizes.  But now, everything has come to a head. I now know I need to lose weight not only for my health and wellbeing, but so that I can continue doing the  things that I love. My weight has never really restricted me from doing that much, because I've always been just on the edge of being overweight: not fat enough to really be that fat, but not thin enough to be thin. Well, I am obese now.  I've cried a lot about it and felt like it was impossible to change myself. But if I don't, I'm in for a lifetime of many more unhappy and unpleasant experiences.

I've tried losing weight almost every possible method, sometimes I've been successful and sometimes I'm not. I've learned more than anything, it's not the diet or exercise plan that I choose, but my overall commitment and willingness to keep trying. I'm going to join weight watchers, actually go to meetings and all of that. I don't want to live my life on the sidelines anymore. I don't want to watch my twenties flash past with nothing to show for it. So here's hoping my next blog post will be with some better, happier news; that I will follow through with what I've said here and will remember how awful this has always made me feel.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I failed, but only a little :)

So I said I was going to post every day... and it's been a few days. I'm going to try and be consistent, but working 40 hours, driving 80 miles a day, 5 days a week, and taking 12 credits may make me busy and slightly forgetful.

Anyway, today I'm going to post three things, to make up for not posting.

1. My car
This isn't actually my car. (I was going to go outside and take a picture but it's cold, dark, and snowy) This car is shinier with pretty rims and an obviously new paint job. But it's the same color with the same tail lights and everything.

Two years ago when I moved to Utah, my car broke down in Tucumcari, NM. When I finally got to Utah, I didn't know how I was going to get a car. My Uncle Wayne so very generously gave me this car that two of my cousins had used. It's a 1996 Toyota Tercel. It has almost 240,000 miles on it. I've had to do little to no maintenance on it, and as much as I complain that my car is a piece of crap (it rattles and makes weird noises, the A/C doesn't work, the seat belts are temperamental and the passenger side door handle is broken off) it's really in such good condition. It gets close to 40 miles to the gallon on the freeway. I filled it up the other day, it cost me $25. So, in a way, this is really about my Uncle Wayne. I'm so grateful to him for making my life out here a lot easier :)

2. My job
For the first time in my life, I can honestly say that I LOVE MY JOB. It's not like the work is fascinating, it's not what I want to do with my life. But the people are so chill. I love that I can come in when I want. I don't have to worry about being late or "occurrences". My employment is based solely on how well I do my work. It was kind of scary, at the end of the first quarter that you work for the company, if your quality is not good enough, you lose $1 in pay. I was a little nervous I was going to lose mine, because I wasn't sure if they were judging my quality from when I first started or if they were going to judge it from my more recent work. I'm happy to say that I'm not only keeping my dollar, but I found out on Friday that I'm going to be getting a raise :) I'm so grateful for this job. I love having a job that I don't dread going to. I love having a job that I don't complain about, or constantly say how much I hate it.

Last, but not least...

3. Batman on Drugs

Seriously, I don't know how someone can watch this and not at least smile. It makes me laugh EVERY TIME I watch it. If you haven't seen it, your education in YouTube is sadly flawed. Watch it here.

Have a good night everyone, I'm off to eat some chocolate :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The sun

A little late for a post, but again, at least I'm posting something.

Even though I obviously have so many things to be thankful for, and I have so many blessings in my life, tonight I really struggled to think of one I actually genuinely felt grateful for. I could go on and on about all the things that my mom did for me or something like that, and while I am grateful, do I especially feel that gratitude today, right now? No. I've been dwelling on other things, feeling depressed, and feeling sorry for myself. I was thinking, I'm not going to bother posting anything, I'm too depressed. But then I also remembered, this is why I created this blog. So that on days like today, I have at least a tiny bit of motivation to think of something in my life that is good.

I struggled to find something that I felt grateful for, or anything that seemed right with the word, but then I remembered this guy:

It's January 4th (or 5th, whichever way you want to look at it). It's supposed to be freezing. But today, it was almost 50 degrees. The sun was shining so brightly and it was so warm. I truly felt grateful for the sunshine today, because in Utah, sunny days in winter are not a common occurrence. So thank you for making an appearance today, Mr. Yellow Dwarf. You kind of made my day :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Puppies -- and generally all babies -- are enough to make me crap-my-pants happy :) they are just widdle and cute!

Monday, January 2, 2012


Rachel got me this bento box and cookbook for Christmas. She knows me so well. I love that she knows exactly how to make me smile :) she is the greatest.
A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.
I love you girlfriend :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year :)

Today, I'm thankful for the opportunity to change, for the chance to be a better person. I'm thankful that I don't have to be who I was yesterday. I feel so hopeful and optimistic for the future, and I want to make 2012 the best year ever. And a quote from Gordon B. Hinckley will always make me happy:
Cultivate an attitude of happiness. Cultivate a spirit of optimism. Walk with faith, rejoicing in the beauties of nature, in the goodness of those you love, in the testimony which you carry in your heart concerning things divine.
Also, this is enough to put a smile on my face any day of the week :)