Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

More happy!

Tonight, I posted on Facebook twice about how I was going to make homemade cinnamon rolls and that someone needed to come over and help me eat them. Well, as it turns out, I freaking SUCK at making yeast breads! Like, miserably. I made the dough twice. Used different yeast both times. But holy crap, I could not get that dough to rise. I even did that quick rise thing, where you turn the oven on a low heat and turn it off once it's preheated, with a pan of water on the lower rack... NOTHING. Notta. I was so disappointed! 

So, I've been sitting on the couch watching this silly Lifetime show, Drop Dead Diva. It's a completely ridiculous show and the plot is exactly the same in every episode. But, it's kind of cathartic. It's mind numbing and doesn't require a single intelligent thought process to understand. Also, the protagonist is a fat girl, which is refreshing, especially for me.

I don't know where this blog is going. I think I'm just typing.

So, here's my puppy. He's happy all the time! Happy happy!
so precious

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