Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I failed, but only a little :)

So I said I was going to post every day... and it's been a few days. I'm going to try and be consistent, but working 40 hours, driving 80 miles a day, 5 days a week, and taking 12 credits may make me busy and slightly forgetful.

Anyway, today I'm going to post three things, to make up for not posting.

1. My car
This isn't actually my car. (I was going to go outside and take a picture but it's cold, dark, and snowy) This car is shinier with pretty rims and an obviously new paint job. But it's the same color with the same tail lights and everything.

Two years ago when I moved to Utah, my car broke down in Tucumcari, NM. When I finally got to Utah, I didn't know how I was going to get a car. My Uncle Wayne so very generously gave me this car that two of my cousins had used. It's a 1996 Toyota Tercel. It has almost 240,000 miles on it. I've had to do little to no maintenance on it, and as much as I complain that my car is a piece of crap (it rattles and makes weird noises, the A/C doesn't work, the seat belts are temperamental and the passenger side door handle is broken off) it's really in such good condition. It gets close to 40 miles to the gallon on the freeway. I filled it up the other day, it cost me $25. So, in a way, this is really about my Uncle Wayne. I'm so grateful to him for making my life out here a lot easier :)

2. My job
For the first time in my life, I can honestly say that I LOVE MY JOB. It's not like the work is fascinating, it's not what I want to do with my life. But the people are so chill. I love that I can come in when I want. I don't have to worry about being late or "occurrences". My employment is based solely on how well I do my work. It was kind of scary, at the end of the first quarter that you work for the company, if your quality is not good enough, you lose $1 in pay. I was a little nervous I was going to lose mine, because I wasn't sure if they were judging my quality from when I first started or if they were going to judge it from my more recent work. I'm happy to say that I'm not only keeping my dollar, but I found out on Friday that I'm going to be getting a raise :) I'm so grateful for this job. I love having a job that I don't dread going to. I love having a job that I don't complain about, or constantly say how much I hate it.

Last, but not least...

3. Batman on Drugs

Seriously, I don't know how someone can watch this and not at least smile. It makes me laugh EVERY TIME I watch it. If you haven't seen it, your education in YouTube is sadly flawed. Watch it here.

Have a good night everyone, I'm off to eat some chocolate :)


  1. So... when you're doing school, being innocent and not suspecting anything, batman on drugs isn't funny. It scared the crap out of me! I did not expect the noise that Jenny's computer suddenly emitted. Me: "Jenny, what the heck is that?!" It was funny once I calmed down though.
